Our Values

We are a community of believers where people grow in our connection to Christ, in our love for one another, and in our engagement and connection to the community and the world. You can read more about each of our core values below.


We believe that by making worship our top priority we are committing to continuing to put a large part of our time, resources and energy into offering our congregation and our community worship experiences that are as excellent, authentic, and contextual as we can make them.


This is all about building relationships with those individuals, businesses, government agencies, and other organizations which surround the church.

By becoming positively known by our community, we hope to open doors and smooth the way for our ministries to bring the Kingdom of God into the Suntree/Viera community and beyond!

Kids And Youth

Every ministry of our congregation is positively impacted when our ministry to children and youth is strong and well-integrated into all parts of the life of our congregation.

We will continue to emphasize and teach the implementation of intergenerational activities in every area of our congregation's life and ministry.


Our goal is to call and invite people to participate in the leadership of this congregation as disciples, calling and equipping each person to do what God has called them to.


This encompasses service to those in need, service to our community, and evangelism, proclaiming the Gospel to our community.

Our Beliefs

At Advent, we strive to fully embody our mission statement, “we are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world.” We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.

  • Unconditional Love

    At Advent, we profess that God's unconditional love and grace through Christ is for everyone, no questions asked. Regardless of your age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status, God loves you as you are!

    As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe we are called to live out that love, embodying it in both our words and actions. We strive to love as Jesus loved.

  • Unconditional Grace

    As stated on the ELCA website, we believe that all people are imperfect and are saved (made right with God) by God’s grace and God’s grace alone, through Christ.

    There is no special prayer you need to pray, no special state of mind you need to achieve and no good deed you need to perform. We believe that through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God became one of us and took upon himself the sin and suffering of all the world. God did this to demonstrate God’s love for us. We believe that we receive the gift of grace by faith alone on account of Christ. We live in the tension of still being sinful but trusting that we are forgiven and that God is at work in us.

    The gift of grace expresses God’s unconditional love, and in response to that love we are set free to live gratefully and lovingly.

  • God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

    As Lutherans we profess a faith in One God, who is revealed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It can get a bit confusing, but we trust in God’s presence made known to us in many ways.

  • Holy Communion

    In short, Communion is God’s gift to all of us, given freely and with no strings attached! You don’t have to be a member or Lutheran to participate.

    Holy Communion is a sacred part of worship and is one of two sacraments of the Lutheran church. We eat bread and drink wine (or grape juice) and as we partake in the “Lord’s Supper” we remember the night Jesus was betrayed and how he commanded us to “do this in remembrance of me.”

    At Advent, we use a gluten and dairy free recipe prepared in a sanitized kitchen, so even if you are gluten intolerant you can have this bread. We also offer gluten free wafers as an alternative. We serve both wine and grape juice.

  • Statements of Faith

    In worship we believe it is important to profess our faith together as a community. We do this in a variety of ways. Most commonly, we profess the words of the Apostle’s creed or Nicene creed.

  • Denominational Affiliation

    Advent is a member of the Florida-Bahamas Synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Click the buttons below if you’d like to learn more about the ELCA or about the Florida Bahamas Synod.

Making Ministry Happen

Advent Staff

Learn more about Advent’s Staff and Leaders who help make this ministry thrive! You can scroll through the cards or click the button below.

I was wondering...

FAQ’s about Advent 👀

  • What is a “Lutheran” and what kind of Lutherans are you?

    Lutheranism began in 1517 when a German monk named Martin Luther offered new ideas about the church and how God is at work in the world, beginning what became known as the protestant Reformation.

    Luther believed in “Grace alone, by Faith alone, through Christ alone”

    There are a lot of different Lutheran branches, so it can get confusing. We are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). You can read more about the ELCA beliefs by visiting their website here.

  • I’m not a member/not Lutheran... can I have communion?


    Advent practices open communion, and all are welcome to come forward to receive the free gift of Christ’s body and blood.

  • What is your communion process like?

    We welcome everyone to come forward for communion! We have communion stations lined up for the pews and people come forward from front to back.

    The first station is the bread. We offer a gluten and dairy free bread, or gluten free wafers. The server will hand you whichever you prefer, and say, “the body of Christ, given for you.”

    The second station is the wine/juice. We have individual cups that are pre-filled with wine or grape juice. Each person will receive from the communion server along with the words “the blood of Christ shed for you.”

    You may then place your empty cup into the basket at the end and return to your place for prayer/reflection.

    If you are unable to come forward but would still like to receive communion, the servers will bring it to you after people have been through the line. Simply wave to catch a server’s attention.

    If you have any more questions, contact pastor Alisha.

  • Do you have a Sunday School program?

    We do! Advent’s Sunday School is called “KidsTown”

    Children who are Preschool through 5th grade can attend Kidstown after the children's sermon in the worship service, then will return to their families before communion begins.

    We have wonderful trained leaders who teach the children Bible stories and allows them to wonder and interact with the story by drawing/ coloring or playing with playdough.

  • Do you have hearing assistance devices?

    We do!

    Our Hearing Assistance Devices are connected to our sound board, so that you hear everything directly from the microphones 👍

    They are located in the back of the sanctuary (main worship space) to the left.

  • Do you offer ways to engage kids in worship?


    At Advent, we believe it is important to support children and youth just as much as the adults who join us in worship.

    We have many ways for children to be part of worship, including:

    👉A “worship toolbox” for children of all ages, which includes ways to engage throughout the many different aspects of our worship service.

    👉A weekly children’s sermon at the 9 a.m. contemporary service.

    👉A nursery with a viewing window, and an attached nursing room available.

  • Do you stream your services?


    We offer livestreams each week of our Sunday Contemporary 9 a.m. and Traditional 11 a.m. services! You can click the button below to view our livestreams on our YouTube Channel.